Community Announcements


Drum roll, please… Parcel A will now be known as…  Elk Meadows! Congratulations to resident Genesee Mullin whose suggestion truly resonated with the team to perfectly encapsulate the essence of the area. Genesee’s creativity has added a meaningful touch to our beloved community, and we are excited to see how Elk Meadows and its future residents become a meaningful part of the of the Ken-Caryl community!

In addition to the ultimate bragging rights, Genesee will also receive a $100 Amazon gift card for her magnificent moniker!


The Architectural Committee will be voting on new rules and regulations regarding commercial signage for Ken-Caryl Ranch businesses at its April 25 meeting. To view the proposed rules and regulations changes, please click on the button below.


Residents are encouraged to continue to mow 10-foot swaths around all homes that border open space

Mowing around your home can help harden it against wildfire by reducing ladder fuels that can cause fires to rapidly spread. During much of the year, grasses ignite easily and burn rapidly. Tall grass can quickly carry fire to your house. Mowing grasses low in the inner zones of the defensible space of your home can help protect it against wildfire.

In the past, the Ken-Caryl Ranch Rangers and contractors have conducted 10-foot swath mowing operations along the perimeter of open space behind residences that directly border Ken-Caryl’s open space. However, this year, the rangers will be focusing their wildfire mitigation efforts on strategic fire break mowing in adjacent open space areas. This strategic approach is aimed at enhancing community safety by creating defensible space and reducing the risk of wildfires spreading throughout our community. This is part of the Master Association’s commitment to helping keep our community as safe as possible by further enhancing and building upon the perimeter mowing that was completed over the past two years.

While the rangers are working to concentrate their efforts on firebreak mowing, we strongly recommend that residents take initiative by continuing to mow and maintain a 10-foot swath behind their homes a couple times this year. In fact, according to Ken-Caryl Ranch’s Open Space Use and Parks Use Rules, residents “…are encouraged to mow/trim up to a 10-foot swath in the open space parallel to your property boundary line to a height of no less than 4 inches. Mowing/trimming beyond that point is prohibited. Removal of woody vegetation greater than 1 inch in diameter at the base is prohibited unless you get advance approval (contact Open Space Department)…”. And after two years of staff and contractor area preparations that include clearing and mowing, resident upkeep and maintenance of these swaths should be easier than ever!

Your cooperation in maintaining the perimeter behind your homes is greatly appreciated and will also help reduce costs and allow the ranger staff to better focus their time and resources on community-wide fire mitigation efforts. By working together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our community for years to come!


In response to the recent heavy snowfall and the subsequent accumulation of broken tree branches, the KCRMD Parks Department is pleased to announce an additional SLASH drop-off day.

When: Thursday, March 28, 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Where: Brannon Gearhart Park

We understand the inconvenience and safety hazards posed by fallen branches, and we’re committed to ensuring the cleanliness and safety of our community. This extra drop-off day aims to facilitate the disposal of branches and debris accumulated due to the recent snowstorm.


As you are likely aware, exciting developments are underway in our beloved community, and we’re looking forward to construction on Parcel A in the future. This development represents not just a new addition to our neighborhood but also a fun opportunity for community involvement.

We believe that involving you, the residents, in the naming process of this new housing development is essential. After all, this is also your community, your neighborhood, and your home. Your input will help shape the identity of this vibrant addition to Ken-Caryl Ranch.

With that in mind, we invite you to participate in our naming contest! We’re looking for creative, meaningful, and inclusive names that reflect the spirit and values of our community. Whether it’s honoring local landmarks, paying homage to historical figures, or capturing the essence of our beautiful surroundings, we want your suggestions to inspire us.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • Submit your name suggestions through the link below by March 29, 2024.
  • Include a brief explanation of why you believe your suggested name is fitting for our new housing development.

Feel free to submit multiple suggestions if you have more than one brilliant idea! The deadline for submissions is March 29, 2024, so be sure to get your ideas in soon! The name that is selected will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card and the bragging rights to impress all your neighbors and friends. Thank you in advance for your participation and enthusiasm. We can’t wait to see the creative names you come up with!

Together, let’s make Parcel A a place we’re all proud to call part of Ken-Caryl Ranch!


Congratulations to Randall Flint and Katie Bolling on their election to the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Board! A huge thank you to all of the candidates who ran this year!

Proxies Received: 39.60%

Election Turnout: 44.78%


Randall Flint: 1,326 votes

Katie Bolling: 1,136 votes

Philip Varley: 697 votes

Rilla Reinsma: 676 votes

Carrie Scott: 261 votes

Write-Ins: 7

Proposed Changes to the MA Board’s Conduct of Meetings Policy

Based on resident feedback regarding additional speaking opportunities at Master Association Board meetings, the MA Board is considering a policy update to its current Conduct of Meetings Policy. In summary, the new change would provide a third opportunity for residents to speak during board discussions on Communication/Discussion items as well as during Open Forum and before the Board votes on any Motions. This new change would be in addition to the current policy, which allows residents to speak at the beginning of each board meeting during Open Forum and again on Motion items prior to voting. The MA Board will be voting on this policy update at its Feb. 20 Board meeting, which will take place at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House. All residents are welcome to attend

MA Board Adopts 2024 Budget with a $4 Dues Increase

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Board adopted the 2024 Budget at its Nov. 14 meeting. There will be a $4 per month dues increase for all residents and businesses next year, effective Jan. 1, 2024. This will bring the total monthly dues amount to $68 for residential, $56 for apartments and $52 per acre for commercial properties. The increase is needed to account for increased operational expenses, continued fire mitigation efforts, and a continued focus on perimeter fence improvements and asset maintenance.
The 2024 Budget is available on the Financials page of our website.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association General Manager Brian Yowell at

Updated Meeting Schedule for Metro District

Following the defeat of Proposition HH at the November 7, 2023 election, Governor Polis recalled the state legislature for a special session that started on November 17 and ended on November 20. The purpose of the special session was to develop legislation that would provide property tax relief in the current year but would not significantly undermine the public services of governmental entities that rely on property taxes for their operation. The state legislature subsequently approved Senate Bill 23B-001 which decreases the residential assessment rate from 6.765% to 6.7%, and increases the residential property exempt amount from $15,000 to $55,000. Senate Bill 23B-001 also changed the deadlines for approval of budgets and certification of mill levies. For the 2024 budget year only:

  • The deadline for the Assessor to provide final certifications of values is extended from December 15, 2023 to January 3, 2024;
  • The deadline for the District to certify its mill levies is extended from December 15, 2023 to January 10, 2024; and
  • The deadline to adopt the budget is extended from December 31, 2023 to January 10, 2024.

Therefore, the District has revised its calendar to revise the current draft 2024 Budget and meet the new deadlines for submittal to the following:

  • The December 5 Board meeting is rescheduled to December 12.
  • A special Board meeting has been added on Monday, January 8 at 6:00 p.m. to approve the budget and certify the mill levy.

We will have updated information regarding the 2024 Budget at the December 12 meeting and online. We appreciate your ongoing patience with this process and hope to see you at the December 12 or January 8 meeting! If you have questions, please contact District Manager, Traci Wieland, or 303-979-1876 x136.

Main Sewer Line Installation Construction to Begin in The Plains in October 

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Water & Sanitation District enlisted the services of SMH West Construction to install a new force main sewer line that will run the entire length of Alkire St. from Ken Caryl Ave. to north of Vail Pass St. Work is scheduled to begin the week of Oct. 2, depending on weather and construction conditions, and is expected to be completed by mid-November.

According to SMH West Project Manager Jeff Swanson, traffic will mostly affect access to Alkire St., at the intersection of Ken Caryl Ave. and Alkire where most of the work will take place. Alkire Street will be most affected from Oct. 5 through the project’s completion date, around Nov. 15, to varying degrees. Crews are aware of the current construction and earth works project to move dirt in preparation of North American Development Group’s (NADG) new housing development planned in the Ken-Caryl Ranch Plains. SMH West is currently working with NADG directly to resolve any work interference issues. Swanson also noted that there will be cones, signs and flaggers present to notify drivers of closures. Access will remain open for residents residing west of Alkire; however, it is highly recommended to avoid Alkire, if possible, during construction.

There are no planned water or utility disruptions during construction as this project involves the installation of a new force main sewer line. The existing line will be in operation throughout construction activities.

This project is not directed or funded by the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association or the Metropolitan District. Please direct questions or concerns related to construction to Jeff Swanson at For general questions about the project, please contact The Ken-Caryl Ranch Water & Sanitation District at 303-979-7424.

Community Composting Collection Resident Feedback Survey

In June 2023, The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association conducted a community survey to gather resident feedback on bringing residential composting collection services to Ken-Caryl Ranch. The survey opened on June 5at 9 a.m. and ran for two weeks, closing on June 16 at 5 p.m.

The goal of the survey was to gauge resident interest a community-wide composting service with Compost Colorado, an established Denver-area commercial composting facility and registered Public Benefit company.

Please click on the corresponding buttons below for survey result information and analysis.

Rules and Regulations Updates to Ken-Caryl’s Landscaping, Garden Placement and Trash Enclosures

As a result of Senate Bill 23-178, which supports water-wise landscaping and non-vegetative landscaping alternatives for water conservation, Ken-Caryl Ranch is in the process of updating its current rules and regulations in relation to homeowner yards, turf and gardens. Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association is updating the Gardens and Xeriscaping rules and regulations to be in compliance with the new house bill.  In an effort to satisfy requirements of the house bill and provide residents with more tools for updated landscaping, the Architectural Committee will be creating three xeriscaping design templates.  Residents are advised that all exterior improvements, including landscaping, are required to be submitted for Architectural Committee approval.

In addition, new rules regarding the construction of trash encloses are being updated by the Architectural Committee. While these new rules and regulations are independent of SB 12-178, residents are also encouraged to review them regarding the construction of trash encloses to house trash/recycling totes outdoors.

Click the links below to view the current drafts for revised rules and regulations.

Gardens – Draft Regulations

Landscaping and Xeriscaping – Draft Regulations

Trash Enclosures and Screening – Draft Regulations

Ranch House Parking Lot Replacement

The Master Association Board approved the much-needed full replacement of the Ranch House parking lot at its July 18 meeting. Work on this project is scheduled to begin on Sept. 11 and should take several weeks to complete, depending on weather and construction conditions.

The project work will include the full removal and replacement of the existing lot as well as the addition of some new curbing and partial sidewalk replacement. Painted curbs will be sandblasted and repainted when the lot is restriped.

To limit disruption and to allow for resident, guest, staff and visitor access during construction, the project is expected to be completed in two phases. The first phase is tentatively planned to begin on the north (administrative) portion of the parking lot and center islands, leaving the main drive and parking along the tennis court parking open and accessible. Immediately following the completion of Phase 1, Phase 2 will begin, and will include the replacement of the main drive and the south side of the parking lot. This will require a full closure of the parking lot for up to a week. Stay tuned! More information, including alternate parking information, will be communicated as more information becomes available.

For questions, please contact Master Association General Manager Brian Yowell at or at 303-979-1876, ext. 113.

Give Back Each Time Your Shop at King Soopers!

Anyone who has an interest in supporting the Ken-Caryl Ranch Foundation and shops at King Soopers can register their frequent shopper card with a code, and the Foundation will get a donation based on overall purchases! So far this year, 62 households have
participated in the program, with the Foundation raising $703.15 between April through June.

The process to sign up for the King Soopers Community Rewards program is simple:

*Go to
*Login to your account or create one if you do not have one.
*Register your phone number
*Go to MY ACCOUNT (Upper right drop down)
*Choose COMMUNITY REWARDS (Left navigation)You can search for the Ken-Caryl Ranch Foundation either by name or by entering DW239 in the search field and then click Enroll.

Make sure when you shop at King Soopers to scan or add your account number or phone number. For more information, check out their updated Community Rewards Brochure. To enroll online, visit King Soopers’ website!

Homeowners Association Task Force Created as a Result of HB23-1105

One of the bills affecting community associations that came out of this year’s legislative session was HB23-1105. In summary, this bill creates a task force, under the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) to examine issues affecting HOA homeowners’ rights and to prepare a report by April 15, 2024, regarding the task force’s findings and conclusions regarding the matters it examines. The task force was created to study homeowners’ rights and experiences living in homeowners’ associations. DORA will then review and publish the initial findings and conclusions of the task force, including the legislative recommendations, and submit those parties, which include the state house of representatives and senate committees and the governor.

The task force will consist of a variety of individuals, including two HOA homeowners residing in Colorado (at least one of whom resides in a common interest community that is a disproportionately impacted community and one of whom serves on the executive board of an HOA); a community manager, a representative from an HOA homeowner advocacy organization, an attorney who primarily represents homeowners in legal proceedings against common interest communities, and an attorney who specializes in common interest community law. Designations and appointments to the task force will occur before Aug. 1, 2023.

The task force will be responsible for reviewing matters such as, but not limited to, an association’s fining authority and practices, foreclosure practices, communications with homeowners regarding processes and homeowners’ rights and responsibilities, the way in which the association makes its governing documents, policies, rules and regulations available to the homeowners and the executive board actions regarding collection and legal activity against a homeowner. The task force will also look at homeowner complaints (as reported to the HOA Information and Resource Center and Homeowners’ Advocacy Groups in Colorado), CCIOA as well as other state and federal laws.

If a homeowners association’s board receives a request from the task force for information, it is required to cooperate with the request, including turning over governing documents or other records in the association’s possession that have been requested.

The task force will hold its first meeting after its members have been designated and appointed.

For more information, please visit the HOA Center of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies.

*Portions of this article reprinted from

Community Signage Survey

Ken-Caryl Ranch is collecting resident feedback regarding community and neighborhood signage across the Valley and the Plains. The goal is to better understand how important designated neighborhood signage is to our community in terms of aesthetics, cost and identity.

This survey is now closed. Thank you for your participation!

Land Development Update: Digging in the Dirt

earth moving route from parcel b to parcel a in the new land developement
Earth moving route. Click to enlarge image.

North American Development Group to begin contracted earthwork construction for the new housing development in the Ken-Caryl Ranch Plains

North American Development Group (NADG) purchased land for a new home development in the Ken-Caryl Ranch Plains in 2020. A total of approximately 700 units (single-family, townhomes and multi-family) are planned for development over three parcels of land, including Parcels A and C, located east of C-470 and north of Ken Caryl Ave., and Parcel B, located at the southwest corner of Ken Caryl Ave. and Chatfield Ave. NADG hired earthworks contractor Bemas Construction to begin soil work in Parcels A and B in the coming weeks. All work will be done outside of Jefferson County’s quiet hours. Work will typically take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Bemas will begin moving soil from Parcel B to Parcel A with an estimated start date of mid-June.

To provide an idea of the project’s scope, more than half a million yards of dirt will be moved from the Parcel B development across from King Soopers to the Parcel A and C developments between the RTD bus station and Foothills Golf Course in preparation for the new housing development. A total of 2.5 million yards of dirt will be moved upon completion of this project. Bemas will be using Ken Caryl Avenue as a primary means to transport the dirt beginning in mid-June, and will be working with traffic engineers to establish a movement pattern that accommodates residents during this 8–10-month process. Closures along Ken Caryl are not anticipated, but residents should be aware that outgoing traffic from Safeway along the Alkire intersection ONLY will not be permitted during this time.

The trail to the north of Sunset Ridge that connects the Plains to the Safeway complex will not be disturbed in the initial phases of construction. Any changes or reroutes that may occur in later phases will be communicated to residents in advance to ensure public safety, and it is Bemas’ intention to minimize the duration of any possible closures.

Part of the earthworks project will involve using water to cure and temper soil, which will also aid in dust suppression during construction. Tracking pads, rock retainers and recycled asphalt will be placed around the job site to minimize dirt and mud on streets. Bemas is also contracted to perform periodic street sweeping to help keep our community clean of dust and dirt, and work will be suspended in windy or unsafe conditions.

During construction, Bemas will be properly maintaining safety barriers throughout the project’s duration. We ask that residents respect the borders of designated construction areas during this time to ensure public safety.

The Master Association and the Metropolitan District are in continued communication with Bemas, and any updates or pertinent information will be communicated across Ken-Caryl’s established communications channels, as it becomes available.

Feel free to check the dedicated New Housing Development webpage, located under the Community & News tab of our website at for all updates related to this project. For additional questions, please contact Master Association General Manager Brian Yowell at 303-979-1876, ext. 113 or via email at


Master Association Board Adopts 2023 Budget with a $4 Dues Increase

By Brian Yowell, Master Association General Manager

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Board adopted the 2023 Budget at its Nov. 15 meeting. There will be a $4 per month dues increase in 2023. The increase is needed for increased operational expenses, fire mitigation efforts and perimeter fence improvements. Approximately $1 of the monthly dues increase will go toward fire mitigation, including interface mowing, home assessments and woody vegetation removal. Approximately $3 per month will go toward perimeter fence improvements. The 2023 MA approved budget is posted at under the About Us tab, then Financials.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Brian Yowell, Master Association General Manager, at or 303-979-1876, ext. 113.

Valley Parkway Improvements

Several residents have raised concerns about the planned removal of stop signs on Valley Parkway, particularly at the intersection of White Oak Drive. The County has heard your concerns and is now planning to install a pedestrian-actuated flashing sign in conjunction with the raised crosswalk at this intersection. Pedestrian-actuated flashing signs, also known as Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB), result in higher motorist compliance for yielding to pedestrians crossing a roadway. County staff supports this approach because the combination of the new raised crosswalks, new pedestrian-actuated flashing signs, and removal of the unwarranted stop signs will provide the greatest safety improvement, especially for students crossing Valley Parkway to access Bradford Primary School.

The County will host an informational session to provide project details and answer questions on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6 p.m. online via Microsoft Teams. Details will be posted here and on the County’s website prior to the meeting.

Updated: Oct. 26, 2022

Jefferson County will proceed with installation of the raised crosswalks on Valley Parkway at White Oak Drive and Valley Parkway at Mountain Laurel Drive during the week of Nov. 14. Following the installation of the raised crosswalks, the unwarranted stop signs on Valley Parkway will be removed. The raised crosswalk at White Oak Drive will be further enhanced with pedestrian-actuated flashing signs, also known as rectangular rapid flashing beacons. All project components will be complete by the end of November 2022.

Please direct questions to Transportation Manager Christina Lane at For additional information on this project, please visit:

Updated: July 26, 2022

Jefferson County abides by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). MUTCD sets the standards for all roadway signage, including stop signs. Stop signs are intended to be used to inform who has right-of-way at an intersection, but unfortunately were previously used by engineers as traffic calming devices, creating unintended hazards when those stop signs were not warranted. According to MUTCD [], specific volumes must be met to warrant an all-way stop: “The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour”. The volumes at White Oak/Club and Mountain Laurel were far below this threshold. The reason MUTCD requires traffic volumes on approaching roadways meets this threshold is because, as residents noted, motorists begin to run/roll the stop sign as they become accustomed to the lack of traffic at side streets. The more often motorist run/roll these stop signs, the greater the hazard for other roadway users that anticipate the motorist will stop. This is especially concerning for children, as they are more likely to step into a roadway before ensuring a motorist has come to a complete stop. Therefore, by removing the unwarranted stop signs and instead installing raised crossings, motorists will be slowed and the new treatment will create clear expectations for all roadway users. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has a great information pamphlet (see button above) that provides a clear description of raised crossings and the benefits they provide, specifically around reducing pedestrian-related crashes.

Bicycle lanes will also be implemented with this project by reducing travel lane widths. Some studies suggest that by reducing travel lane widths, vehicular speeds decline as much as 2.9mph per foot reduction. Travel lanes currently vary at approximately 13’ wide, whereas the new design will have approximately 10’ lanes. By implementing both bicycle lanes and raised crossing safety treatments, we believe conditions will improve on Valley Parkway and safety will be enhanced.


Milling and patching will begin on Valley Parkway July 11. Work will begin on the south side close to Valley Dr. and progress north towards West Ken Caryl Ave. The milling and patching will take about two weeks; the final paving will begin after. There may be a small gap between the prep work and final paving, but the road will always be drivable.

Work will commence from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., which will cause significant delays as the road will be down to a single lane for most of the work. However, vehicles will always be able to get in and out and have access to their roads. Message boards have been placed on both ends to alert drivers. More information about these improvements will be communicated as it becomes available. 

Jefferson County Transportation and Engineering presented design alternatives at the May 3, 2022 neighborhood meeting. Residents in the neighborhood preferred the alternative to install bicycle lanes and remove unwarranted stop signs on Valley Parkway at White Oak Drive and Mountain Laurel Drive, replacing them with raised crossings.

As to why the county has decided not to include both stop signs and raised crossings is that it doesn’t solve the problem of motorists running/rolling through the stop sign. The signs are unwarranted and we would therefore the county is not willing to install expensive raised-crossing infrastructure while not reducing the known hazard of motorists not complying with the stop signs.

Mill and overlay will begin on July 11, 2022 and will take two to three weeks to complete. Approximately one week after overlay is complete, the raised crosswalks will be installed and stop signs removed.

Valley Parkway Maintenance and Road Improvements

Jefferson County Transportation and Engineering presented Valley Parkway design alternatives at their May 3 community meeting online. The presentation is posted on the County’s website, along with a survey link asking for feedback on the design alternatives. The survey deadline was May 10, 2022.

Additional information regarding the proposed replacement of stop signs with raised crossings from Jeffco Transportation and Engineering:

Jefferson County abides by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Control Devices (MUTCD). FHWA conducts extensive research for the MUTCD to define national roadway standards for all traffic control devices including roadway markings, signs and signals. MUTCD all-way stop control states that approach intersections (in this case, White Oak and Mountain Laurel) must have at least 300 vehicle approaches within an hour for any of the 8 hours on an average day. Neither intersection was close to meeting this threshold. When this threshold is not met, motorists driving on the thru street (in this case Valley Pkwy) become accustomed to the lack of motorists at the side street and begin rolling or running the stop signs, creating safety hazards for not only motorists that do approach the intersection expecting traffic to stop, but vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and bicyclists. This aligns with several concerns we received regarding low-compliance at these locations and is why staff prefers raised crossings. Raised crossings at these locations set clear expectations for all roadway users. Better yet, compliance is not an issue as a vertical crossing treatment forces motorists to slow while also providing greater visibility of those in the raised crossing.

Trash or Recycling Issue or Question? Here’s Who to Contact

  • Need a new recycling or trash tote? (See below for additional info about totes.)
  • Want to schedule and pay for pick-up for a bulk item (mattress, furniture, etc.)?
  • Was there a missed pick-up (and your trash was out by 7 a.m.)?
  • Have a question, compliment or concern?

You can contact Waste Connections in any of these ways:

Russian Olive Tree Update

The KCRMA Open Space Department currently does not have a plan in place to target Russian olive trees in the open space for removal.  There is a low number of Russian olive trees found in the open space and KCRMA is prioritizing List A noxious weeds for eradication first.

If a Russian olive trees is deemed hazardous or causing damage to a residents’ property boundary Ranger staff will review and act accordingly. In addition, if a Russian olive tree is within the ten-foot interface adjacent to a property, the tree may be removed in accordance with the current woody vegetation management procedure for fuel mitigation in the open space. Staff is aware of the locations of Russian olive trees in the open space and near homes. Please do not email or call staff asking for a tree to be placed on a list unless it is a hazard tree.  Staff will be evaluating this procedure annually and may make future changes and will publish updates to the newspaper and other media outlets as needed.

Dog Park Feasibility Study

A group of Ken-Caryl Ranch residents was appointed to study and analyze potential locations for a dog park in the community. Their feasibility study, including their survey results, is available by clicking the button below. The study will be presented at the Sept. 6 Joint Study Session to the Master Association and Metropolitan District Boards at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House. Zoom login information for the meeting is available at the Community Calendar.

The Operational Relationship Between the MA and the MD

By Traci Wieland, Metropolitan District Manager

Over the course of the last several months of editions of Life at Ken-Caryl, we have been discussing the unique relationship that the Master Association and Metropolitan District have in providing services to the Ken-Caryl Ranch community. Many of these articles have been about the differences, or similarities, in structure and mission. Today’s article focuses on a component of the operational relationship between the two organizations.

In 1988, the Master Association and Metropolitan District entered into a Reorganization Agreement that first outlined the District’s responsibility for the operation, maintenance, and associated costs and expenses for the Master Association’s park and recreation amenities, such as greenbelts, playgrounds and parks. This first agreement provided the initial structure for how the two organizations worked together to serve the community. A Letter of Understanding followed in 1996 that further clarified and defined the working relationship and services provided by each of the organizations. Almost two decades passed before a need was identified to amend the original agreement. The First Amendment was executed in 2014 to outline the use of District bond funds for capital improvements, and the Second Amendment in 2019 outlined which organization is responsible for specific water fees.

Operations and Board leadership changed, providing the impetus for the current draft of a Third Amendment to the Reorganization Agreement. This Amendment has been discussed by the Boards since the summer of 2020 when staff took a deep dive into insurance coverage for all Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities, developing a detailed list and plan for coverage. In addition, the Boards expressed the need for consistency and structure when discussing and employing its many boards, committees, work groups and task forces. The Third Amendment to the Reorganization Agreement also provides additional context to the ongoing efforts to streamline operations between the two organizations. When available, staff utilizes certain cooperative cost-sharing opportunities. The Amendment will define those opportunities.

The Boards have discussed the process and components of the Agreement at numerous Joint Study Sessions; however, a draft document is now available for further review and community feedback, with hopeful adoption by both Boards in August or September. The draft Agreement will be reviewed at the September Joint Study Session on Sept. 6 at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House.

Disc Golf Course Update

The Ranch House Disc Golf course dates back to the 1970s and is one of the oldest in the state. It was designed by Ed Headrick, who is referred to as the “Father of Disc Golf”. It is a very popular amenity in the community that is widely used by a variety of age groups.

While the disc golf course is very popular, staff also receives some feedback from nearby neighbors about ongoing negative behaviors, including night-time use, drugs, noise and alcohol. Staff has worked with the residents to mitigate the behaviors as best as possible with additional signage, additional security cameras, targeted patrols and engagement with the Jefferson County Sherriff. Staff also engaged a local disc golf design consultant. The following maintenance and improvement items were discussed and/or implemented:

  • Tee signs (installed)
  • Additional programming (ongoing)
  • Ongoing tree removal and trimming (ongoing)
  • Entrance sign (in design)
  • Redesign of Hole 5 (under consideration)
  • Tee box reinforcement (under consideration)
  • Additional fencing (under consideration)

Staff developed an internal survey that was available May 23 – May 31 to get a broader sense of usage and impact of the course. The survey provided a forum for all residents and users to provide feedback giving the Boards a general sense of use and the associated issues. We received more than 600 survey responses, and about 325 of those were residents. Highlights from the resident responses to the survey include:

  • 80% of resident respondents utilize the course.
  • Approximately 50% of the resident users are ages 24 and younger.
  • Smoking and drug use were the behaviors mentioned most often when describing negative behaviors on the course.
  • 252 resident respondents have not been negatively impacted by the course.

When asked about a preferred course of action to minimize behavior concerns while meeting the needs of the community, respondents ranked the following in order of preference:

  1. Keep the course as is.
  2. Keep the course as is and increase security.
  3. Keep the course as is and increase signage.
  4. Close the course permanently and leave space as open park space.
  5. Close the course permanently and replace with another amenity.

The full survey results, including the 305 non-resident responses, mirrors many of the themes identified above, including the preferred course of action. Full survey results can be found on the Parks page.

Staff presented these survey findings to the Master Association and Metropolitan District Boards at the July 5 Joint Study Session. Members of both Boards are supportive of keeping the course open, but also want to mitigate concerns. Staff will be exploring increased patrols, ambassador programs, signage, cameras, Neighborhood Watch and increased programming opportunities. Do you have additional ideas for course improvements? We would love to hear from you! Email Metro District Manager Traci Wieland at and Master Association Executive Director Victoria DeSair at

Crime Prevention Presentation

Deputy Mark Bybee, from the Jeffco Sherriff’s Office, gave a presentation on crime prevention in Ken-Caryl on June 22 . The presentation included crime stats for Ken-Caryl and Jefferson County and discussed crime prevention tips, which include lighting, cameras and CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) ideas. He covered situation awareness to help keep you safe whether at home, in stores or out walks. The 30-minute presentation, followed by a Q&A session, can be viewed below.