Committees & Task Forces

Committees & Task Forces

Committees are an important part of the administration of the Master Association and Metropolitan District. In addition, the Boards appoint a Task Force when they determine that a special topic warrants. A Committee is ongoing and serves to advise the Boards, and in specific tasks, act on behalf of the Boards. A Task Force is formed to work on a defined project. For the current schedule of committee and task force meetings, see the Community Calendar.

If you have any questions about committees, contact KCRMA General Manager Brian Yowell at


The Master Association Architectural Committee carries the responsibility of “how Ken-Caryl Ranch looks.” Everything from colors of exterior paint on individual homes to signage – and the myriad details in between – helps to create the community that we all call home. Members of the Committee are dedicated volunteers who are appointed by the KCRMA Board of Directors. To learn more about the Architectural Committee, see Article VIII of the Master Declaration. Meeting schedule – 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 7:30 a.m. at the Ranch House.

For more information contact Darci Cross at, 303-979-1876 ext. 109 or direct 303-531-8189 

Committee members:

  • Bill Detweiler
  • Darby Heckel
  • Matt O’Brien
  • Scott Milne
  • David Wray

Non-Voting Members:

  • Brian Daigle (Consultant)
  • Chris Schroeder (MA Board Representative)
  • Darci Cross (MA Staff Representative)


This joint Master Association and Metropolitan District Committee assists with long-range and short-term planning, surveys, and special community initiatives. Meetings are scheduled on an as needed basis and will be listed on the Community Calendar.

For questions, contact Lauri Lehan at,  303-979-1876, ext. 154 or direct 303-979-7115.

Committee members:

  • Chris Figge
  • John Hamilton
  • Meg Hollingsworth
  • Brian Lee
  • Jerry Palmer
  • Kristin Potts
  • Sandy Rinow
  • Rilla Reinsma
  • Ashley Verville

Non-Voting Members:

  • Randall Flint (MA Board Representative)
  • Mike Miro (MD Board Representative)
  • Lauri Lehan (MA Staff Representative)
  • Traci Wieland (MD Staff Representative)


The purpose of the Master Association Election Committee is to administer the annual election of the Master Association Board members.

For questions, contact Brian Yowell at, 303-979-1876, ext. 113 or direct 303-979-7524.

Committee members:

  • Chris Figge
  • Bruce Heise
  • Rita Saunders
  • Dan Wills

Non-Voting Members:

  • Randall Flint (MA Board Representative)
  • Brian Yowell (MA Staff Representative)
election committee


The purpose of the Equestrian Center Committee is to address facility updating, financial and budgeting processes and recommendations, equestrian center communications, maintenance of grounds, and community events for the Ken-Caryl Ranch Equestrian Center. This includes formulating recommendations for the overall improvement of the facility and addressing other relevant areas as required.

For questions, contact Brian Yowell at, 303-979-1876, ext. 113 or direct 303-979-7524

Committee members:

  • Kristina Chirico
  • Matt O’Brien
  • Alexis McDowell
  • Dennie McGarry
  • Erlinda Stafford
  • John Tiernan
  • Brian Zibell

Non-Voting Members:

  • Scotty Martin (MA Board Representative)
  • Carl Brackpool (MA Staff Representative)


The Firewise Committee promotes wildfire awareness and encourages resident action to reduce community wildfire risk. The program capitalizes on a community’s spirit, its resolve, and its willingness to take responsibility for mitigating the risks of wildfire in Ken-Caryl. The Ken-Caryl Firewise Committee meets 4-6 times per year and participates in 2-4 events per year.

For more information, contact Brian Yowell at, or 303-979-1876, ext. 113 or direct 303-979-7524.

Committee members:

  • Karyn Abraham
  • John Fosholt
  • Daniel Hatlestad
  • Craig Iverson
  • Donovan Puffer

Non-Voting Members:

  • Keith McMillan (MA Staff Representative)
  • Katie Bolling (MA Board Representative)


The purpose of the Historical Society is to promote awareness of and appreciation for the historical aspects of the Ranch. There are numerous sites located throughout the Ranch with historical significance that are available to the residents of the Ranch for use and enjoyment. The committee shall seek to protect and preserve the sites, as well as to make them more accessible and usable to the residents of the Ranch. Our website has a full section on the History of Ken-Caryl Ranch.  The Historical Society meets every other month on the second Monday at 3 p.m. at the Ranch House. See the Community Calendar for the meeting schedule.

If you are interested in joining the Historical Society, contact Anne Frisz at For other inquiries please contact Historical Society Chairperson, Valerie Walling at

Committee members:

  • Jim Antes
  • Mary Antes
  • Pat Badolato
  • Vinny Badolato (Treasurer)
  • Stephanie Berg
  • Dave Calderini
  • Lois Claggett
  • Mary Everson
  • Annemarie Frisz (Secretary)
  • Lori Kraft
  • Ellen McClurkin
  • Leslie Miller
  • Linda Omdahl
  • Mark Rieger
  • Jane Saul
  • Jamie Siebrase
  • Valerie Walling (Chair)
  • Jack Warner

Non-Voting Members:

  • Allison Rager (MA Staff Representative)
  • Scotty Martin (MA Board Representative)


The function of the Master Association Open Space Committee is to make recommendations to the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Board of Directors for the management and maintenance of the over 4,800 acres of Open Space owned by the Master Association. Meeting schedule – 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6 p.m. at Dakota Lodge or virtual meetings. Please check the Community Calendar for specific meeting dates.

For questions or more information about the Open Space Committee, contact Sean Warren at,  303-979-1876, ext. 463 or direct 720-512-3523.

Committee Members:

  • Valan Cover
  • Brad Goulding (Vice Chair)
  • Jenny Kozlowski
  • Mariah Maifarth (Secretary)
  • Anna Camp Martinez (Chair)
  • Dennie McGarry
  • Rilla Reinsma

Non-Voting Members:

  • Mary Everson, Historical Society Representative
  • Debbie Seagraves, MA Board Representative
  • Tracy Soukup, Trail Club Representative
  • Kayla Kirkpatrick, MD Board Liaison
  • Sean Warren, MA Open Space Manager
  • Matt Oven, Ranger Supervisor
Summit View Trail photo single track short


The Metropolitan District Board developed a South Hogback Open Space Task Force to explore possible land management options for the South Hogback Open Space. The group will assist in determining preliminary viability of options that could then be vetted by a larger community group and the Board.

For questions or more information about the South Hogback Open Space Task Force, contact Traci Wieland at,  303-979-1876, ext. 136 or direct 303-979-1877.

Task Force objectives are:

  • The viability of land designation options which could include a land trust conversation easement, a Jefferson County Open Space easement, or a Jefferson County Open Space reverter, among others.
  • The feasibility of ways to highlight the unique historical, cultural, and biological features of the South Hogback Open Space, as inspired by the Sumac Hill Farm Overlook Conservation Easement on the Highline Canal Trail, or other examples.
  • The feasibility of pursuing county, state, or federal grants or private funding to finance some or all of the cost of any efforts to enact any improvements to the South Hogback Open Space.

Task Force Members:

  • Jim Antes
  • Richard Arnold
  • Victoria DeSair – MD Administrative Analyst
  • John Fosholt
  • Deanna Greco
  • Bruce Heise
  • Jonathan Heywood
  • Joe Levy – MD Board Chair and Task Force Representative
  • David Suddjian
  • Bob Toll
  • Sean Warren – MA Open Space Manager
  • Traci Wieland – MD District Manager

The Brannon Gearhart Park Task Force reviewed the current condition of Brannon Gearhart Park and made short- and long-term recommendations to the Master Association Board regarding the future of its infrastructure and amenities. The Task Force presented its findings at the Aug. 18, 2020 MA Board Meeting.

For questions, contact Brian Yowell at, 303-979-1876, ext. 113 or direct 303-979-7524.

Brannon Gearhart Park

The Community Collaboration Workgroup was formed to create financial stability for our community and to facilitate predictable delivery of goods and services to the Ken-Caryl Ranch community. The group takes direction from the community. The group is made up of two members of the Master Association Board, two members of the Metropolitan District Board, the Master Association Executive Director and the Metropolitan District Manager. See the presentation below for additional information.

KCR community

The Dog Park Task Force was a joint task force of the Master Association and the Metropolitan District. The Task Force developed a feasibility report for a dog park in Ken-Caryl Ranch.

The Task Force will be conducting a great deal of research to present to the Boards to use as part of future planning efforts for existing and new spaces. Specifically, the Task Force will develop a feasibility report including the following:

  • Location options
  • Ownership considerations
  • Overall advantages and disadvantages including neighbor and community support or opposition
  • Maintenance components, issues, and challenges
  • Initial development and ongoing maintenance funding options

Task Force members:

  • Betsy Bellissimo
  • Jimmy Land
  • Wes Morris
  • Christie Morton
  • Erinn Philpot
  • Joanne Russum

Non-Voting Members:

  • Gerry Bauer (MA Board Representative)
  • Lauri Lehan-Milano (MD Board Representative)
  • Victoria DeSair (MA Staff Representative)
  • Traci Wieland (MD Staff Representative)

The 2018 Ken Caryl Equestrian Center Task Force (KCEC Task Force) was charged with reviewing the current policies and programs listed below and asked to develop recommendations for any updates that would be presented to the Master Association Board of Directors.

The Fence Task Force will address fencing inconsistencies and appearance on Ken-Caryl Ranch and develop recommendations for improvements to community perimeter fencing that borders major roads, greenbelts, open space, and other areas as needed.

For questions, contact Darci Cross at,  303-979-1876, ext. 109 or direct 303-531-8189.

Review the current fencing ownership and maintenance status, including staining, for all fencing that borders Ken Caryl Ave., Continental Divide Rd., Chatfield Ave., Simms St., and Valley
Parkway, as well as greenbelts, open space, and other areas as needed.

  • Draft a proposal with recommendations.
  • Solicit community input and consider the feedback as part of the proposal
  • The proposal should address inconsistencies with respect to the maintenance and
    replacement responsibilities.
  • Explore additional fence designs and materials, with consideration given to Firewise
  • Comprised of no less than 3 and no more than 7 volunteer residents.
  • Members will be appointed by the Master Association Boards of Directors.
  • Staff representatives from the Master Association and Metropolitan District (as needed).
  • Representative from the Master Association Board.
  • Representative from the Architectural Committee.
  • Task Force has no decision-making authority. They will make recommendations, and decisions will be made by the Master Association Board.
  • Members of the Task Force shall determine the meeting schedule and appoint a Chairman.
  • Submit timely, approved Task Force meeting minutes.
  • All meetings will be held in open session, with members of the Association encouraged to attend and participate.
  • Submit a proposal to the Master Association Board by September 2022.
  • The Task Force will be disbanded upon presentation of the proposal to the Master Association Board.