Board of Directors

Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Logo in black and white

Learn about the Ken-Caryl Ranch Board of Directors, their roles, responsibilities, and commitment to guiding our community’s growth and governance.

Meet your 2025 MA Board of Directors Candidates

The application period for the open seat on the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association Board of Directors has officially closed. We received two applications from community members interested in serving on the Board: John (JJ) Hamilton and Rilla Reinsma.

Here are the upcoming key dates for the election process:

Thank you to all who expressed interest in serving our community!

John (JJ) Hamilton
Resident Since: 2012
Phone: 904-303-9393

Rilla Reinsma
Resident Since: 1992
Phone: Resident declined to publish

2025 Metropolitan District Board Election

This year, there will be two, four-year seats available on the Metropolitan District Board. If you are interested in running for one of the open Board seats, the deadline for filing your Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form with the Designated Election Official (DEO) is Feb. 28, no later than 5 p.m. However, we recommend that you file your form by 3 p.m. so that in the event there is information missing or an item is incorrectly marked on the form, there is sufficient time to cure the self-nomination by the 5 p.m. deadline.

To qualify as a Director of the District, a person must be an “eligible elector” which is defined as a registered voter of Colorado and either (1) A resident of the District, or (2) the owner (or the spouse or civil union partner of the owner) of taxable real or personal property situated in the District. Director qualifications must be met at the time of the execution of the Self-Nomination Form.

All nomination forms must be acquired from and returned to the District’s Designated Election Official (DEO):
Sue Blair, Community Resource Services of Colorado,
Mailing Address: Sue Blair, Community Resource Services of Colorado, 7995 East Prentice Avenue, Suite 103E, Greenwood Village, CO 80111.

For general questions regarding the Metropolitan District, please contact Victoria DeSair at For questions regarding Board eligibility or how to file your Self-Nomination Form, please contact the Designated Election Official, Sue Blair, Community Resource Services of Colorado, at 303-381-4977 or or


The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association (KCRMA) is a group of property owners bound together by a Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the purpose of operating and maintaining Association-owned property and preserving community standards. Monthly dues support covenant and architectural control, Master Association-owned open space, trash removal/recycling, the Equestrian Center and the bi-weekly newspaper, Life at Ken Caryl.

What is the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association (KCRMA)?

The care of the recreational amenities, built by the developers of the Ranch, have been turned over – along with common areas and open space – to the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association for enjoyment by the Ranch community. After 1990, Ken-Caryl Ranch became a resident-controlled community, responsible for over 4,800 acres of open space, architectural and covenant control, refuse removal and recycling, Equestrian Center, and a bi-weekly newspaper, Life at Ken-Caryl.

All property owners, both commercial and residential, are automatic members of the Association. As such, they pay monthly dues and observe architectural controls and covenants. In return, members may enjoy all Master Association facilities, programs and services and exercise voting privileges at the Annual Meeting, electing a Board of Directors. Members of neighborhoods with sub associations might pay an additional assessment to a sub association organization that owns and maintains property in particular neighborhoods, much in the same way the Master Association does for the overall Ranch.

The Master Association provides architectural guidance – in order to maintain the continuity of aesthetic building quality on the Ranch. The Master Association also disseminates information regarding the issues and events around the community through the bi-weekly newspaper, Life at Ken-Caryl.


The Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District (KCRMD) is a governmental entity that provides all the maintenance in the parks, greenbelts and facilities. The District also provides recreational activities for the enjoyment of the Ranch community. Revenue needed to operate the Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District is generated through property taxes assessed to both residential and commercial properties located on the Ken-Caryl Ranch and by program fees.

What is the Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District (KCRMD)?

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District is organized as a Special District under Title 32 of the Constitution of the State of Colorado. This system of local government combines the political leadership of elected officials (in the form of a five-member Board of Directors) with the managerial experience of a professional manager and staff. The plan establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected Board as a whole, and a professionally-trained manager hired by the Board to oversee delivery of the District’s services. The District Manager supervises implementation of policy and procedure as directed by the Board of Directors through coordination and supervision of operations in all District departments. The District Manager advises the Board of Directors on all matters relating to the planning, development and operating status of District departments. The District Manager is responsible for:

  • implementing the policies adopted by the Board of Directors,
  • making recommendations to the Board of Directors,
  • carrying out the operations of the District,
  • coordinating and supervising the work of all District departments,
  • preparing the annual operating budget for the District.

2025 Master Association Board Meetings

The Master Association Board of Directors typically meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House. The meetings, except Executive Sessions, are open to the public. The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Board meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time, and location for all meetings. You can sign up to receive agendas, packets or minutes through our Email Subscription Service.

Please click on the dates below to view the Board Meeting agendas, packets and minutes.

Recurring Zoom Meeting Information for Master Association Board Meetings:
OR by telephone:
Webinar ID: 858 4047 8160




2024 Master Association Board Meetings

The Master Association Board of Directors typically meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House. The meetings, except Executive Sessions, are open to the public. The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Board meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time, and location for all meetings. You can sign up to receive agendas, packets or minutes through our Email Subscription Service.

Please click on the dates below to view the Board Meeting agendas, packets and minutes.

Recurring Zoom Meeting Information for Master Association Board Meetings:
OR by telephone:
Webinar ID: 858 4047 8160




2025 Metro District Board Meetings

Regular Business Meetings of the Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District typically begin at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House unless announced otherwise. The public is invited and encouraged to attend all meetings except Executive Sessions. The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Board of Directors meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time and location for all meetings. You can sign up to receive agendas, packets or minutes through our Email Subscription Service.

Please click on the dates below to view the Board Meeting agendas, packets and minutes.

Recurring Zoom Meeting Information for Metropolitan District Board Meetings:
(408) 638-0968
Webinar ID: 846 3142 1266


Meeting Presentation & Additional Documents


2024 Metro District Board Meetings

Regular Business Meetings of the Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District typically begin at 6 p.m. at the Ranch House unless announced otherwise. The public is invited and encouraged to attend all meetings except Executive Sessions. The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Board of Directors meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time and location for all meetings. You can sign up to receive agendas, packets or minutes through our Email Subscription Service.

Please click on the dates below to view the Board Meeting agendas, packets and minutes.

Recurring Zoom Meeting Information for Metropolitan District Board Meetings:
(408) 638-0968
Webinar ID: 846 3142 1266


Meeting Presentation & Additional Documents


MD Notice of Attendance

Notice is given that quorum of the Board of Directors of the Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District, may attend the following events or meetings. Although a quorum of the District Board may be present, the District Board members will not discuss District-related business among themselves and no action on any District matter will be taken. Please click on the link below for the latest notice.

2024 Joint Study Session

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Boards meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time, and location for all meetings.


Meeting Presentation


2023 Joint Study Session

The Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association and Metropolitan District Board of Directors meet in Joint Study Sessions that are scheduled periodically as required. Please see our Community Calendar to verify the date, time, and location for all meetings.


Meeting Presentation


The Current Directors of the
Master Association Board

2024 Master Association Board of Directors Candidate Katie Bolling

Katie Bolling


Term expires March 2027

2024 Master Association Board of Directors Candidate Randall Flint

Randall Flint



Term expires March 2027

Master Association Board of Directors member Scotty Martin

Scotty Martin

Vice President

Term expires March 2025

Debbie Seagraves


Term expires March 2026

Chris Schroeder


Term expires March 2026

The Current Directors of the
Metropolitan District Board

Metropolitan District Board of Directors member Joe Levy

Joe Levy


Term expires May 2027

Metropolitan District Board of Directors member Jim Conzelman

Jim Conzelman

Vice President
Phone number not published

Term expires May 2025

Metropolitan District Board of Directors member Mike Miro

Mike Miro


Term expires May 2027

Metropolitan District Board of Directors member John Ostrom

John Ostrom


Term expires May 2027

Metropolitan District Board of Directors member Kayla Kirkpatrick

Kayla Kirkpatrick


Term expires May 2025