Ken-Caryl Ranch is a resident-controlled community, responsible for over 4,800 acres of open space, architectural and covenant control, refuse removal and recycling, an Equestrian Center, and a bi-weekly newspaper, Life at Ken-Caryl. We also have a Metropolitan District (similar to a Parks & Recreation District) that provides recreational facilities, parks and extensive programming.
All property owners, both commercial and residential, are automatic members of the Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association. As such, they pay monthly dues and observe architectural controls and covenants. In return, members may enjoy all Master Association facilities, programs and services and exercise voting privileges at the Annual Meeting, electing a Board of Directors. Members of neighborhoods with sub associations might pay an additional assessment to a sub association organization that owns and maintains property in particular neighborhoods, much in the same way the Master Association does for the overall Ranch.
Trash & Recycling
We have contracted with Waste Connections for our Ken-Caryl Ranch curbside trash and recycling program. Each neighborhood has a designated day of pickup (see the Waste Connections pick-up schedule). This service is included in the membership dues, which are paid to the Master Association by homeowners. Along with a variety of services that Waste Connections offers to residents, just one trash and recycling removal vehicle will be in your neighborhood just one day of the week. Please have trash and recycling out at the curb and placed on opposite sides of the driveway by 7 a.m. For trash services, Ken-Caryl residents can put out up to 6 cans/bags of trash, and up to an additional 6 bags/bundles of yard debris, for pick-up on a weekly basis in addition to the trash/recyclables in their approved totes.
- Need a new recycling or trash tote?
- Want to schedule and pay for pick-up for a bulk item (mattress, furniture, etc.)?
- Was there a missed pick-up (and your trash was out by 7 a.m.)?
- Have a question, compliment or concern?
You can contact Waste Connections in any of these ways:
- Send an email to
- Visit choose from their options (bulk item pick-up, missed pick-up, etc.)
- Contact Waste Connections by phone at 303-288-2100. For the fastest response time, we highly recommend using email or the website.
The Waste Connections recycling service is single-stream and can be mixed together in one bin or tote. Please see the Single-Stream Recycling Guidelines for more details. If you choose not to use a bin, please do not bag your recycling, as it may be mistaken as trash.
Waste Connections observes the following holidays:
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (unless the holiday falls on a weekend day, in which case the regular schedule is followed). During these holiday weeks, trash removal will be delayed one day if your scheduled pickup falls on or after the holiday (i.e. if a holiday falls on a Wednesday, trash removal will be delayed one day for everyone scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.)
Just a friendly reminder for all residents from our partners at Waste Connections. Should you experience a missed trash or recycling pick-up, please contact Waste Connections directly within 24 hours for the fastest service to ensure that they can recover any missed pick-ups. Residents who experience a missed collection should contact Waste Connections to report the missed pick-up and then have their trash or recycling out the following day by 7 a.m. for pick-up.
You may contact Waste Connections via phone, email, or their website; however, email or via their website will ensure the promptest response. Contact options include:
- Send an email to
- Visit Waste Connections’ at choose from their options (bulk item pick-up, missed pick-up, etc.)
- Contact Waste Connections by phone at 303-288-2100.
Waste Connections thanks you for your patience as they work to train new drivers who have been hired to work at their new transfer station that houses their trucks, located closer to Ken-Caryl in South Denver. We appreciate your partnership and patience as we work together to ensure the best possible service to Ken-Caryl residents moving forward.
Never miss your collection day again! WasteConnect Mobile App will send reminders, Service Alerts for collection delays and has resources for how to properly dispose of materials. Use the buttons below to get the WasteConnect Mobile App.
Waste Connections also offers an auto-dial service that will call with any changes in trash pickup days. If you are interested in being notified through this service, you can email and ask to add your phone number to your account to receive phone notifications. They will need your address and phone number in the email.
Core Electric Cooperative (Formerly IREA)
Electricity service in the Valley. (800) 332-9540
Water and sanitation management. 303-979-7424. 10698 Centennial Road, Littleton, CO 80127
Dial 811 to locate utility lines before you dig or 1-800-922-1987
Natural gas services in the Plains and Valley and electricity service in the Plains. 1-800-895-4999
The Ken-Caryl Ranch Architectural Rules and Guidelines are intended to promote harmonious community living and enhance, preserve, maintain and protect property values and assets of the community. If you have concerns regarding a property that may be out of compliance, please use the button below to submit a request.
Neighborhood Subassociations
Several neighborhoods in Ken-Caryl Ranch have subassociations in addition to the Master Association. Members of neighborhoods with subassociations might pay an additional assessment to a subassociation that owns and maintains property in particular neighborhoods, much in the same way the Master Association does for the overall Ranch. If you don’t know which neighborhood you live in, you can look it up on our Street and Neighborhood List.
Subassociation Name
Contact Information
Deer Creek Villas
Architectural Review by Deer Creek Villas, Covenant Enforcement by KCRMA
Angela Elliott
Teleos Management Group Aspen Meadows Trust Fund
191 University Blvd. #358
Denver, CO 80206
Enclave Homeowner’s Association
Enclave Supplemental Declarations
FAX: 303-980-0576
Board & Manager
Enclave Homeowner’s Association
c/o Hammersmith Mgmt
23 Inverness Way East, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80112
Manor Ridge
Manor Ridge Supplemental Declarations and Bylaws
Donna LaWall
Manor Ridge Website
6892 S. Yosemite Ct., Suite 2-101
Centennial, CO 80112
Mountain Gate
Mountain Gate Supplemental Declarations
Kevin Christensen
FAX: 303-933-9299
Mountain Gate Architectural Request Home Improvement Form
Mountain Gate Website
Board of Directors
Mountain Gate
c/o KC & Associates, LLC
10106 W. San Juan Way, Suite 210
Littleton, CO 80127
Mountain Gate II
Mountain Gate II Supplemental Declarations
Shawna Allen
Kenzie Clay (Asst.)
Board of Directors
Mountain Gate II
c/o Allen Associates, Inc.
6140 S. Gun Club Road, Unit K6 #296
Aurora, CO 80016
Mountain Gate III
Kevin Christensen
FAX: 303-933-9299
Board of Directors
Mountain Gate
c/o KC & Associates, LLC
10106 W. San Juan Way, Suite 210
Littleton, CO 80127
Heather Patterson
FAX: 303-751-7396
North Ranch Nabr Network
North Ranch Website
C/O Heather Patterson
6892 S. Yosemite Ct., Ste. 2-101
Centennial, CO 80112
Office Park Association
Office Park Supplemental Declarations
Architectural Review and Approval by Office Park Association, Covenant Control by KCRMA
Kathy Christensen /
FAX: 303-933-9299
Office Park Association
C/O KC & Associates, LLC
10106 West San Juan Way, Suite 210
Littleton, CO 80127
Settlement Supplemental Declarations
Denise Haas
Stephanie Nikoden
FAX 720-961-5152
Management Company Website
C/O 5150 Community Management
7936 E. Arapahoe Ct., Suite 2300
Englewood, CO 80112
Sunset Ridge
Sunset Ridge Supplemental Declarations and Bylaws
Josh Hall
Office 720-617-3263
Sunset Ridge Home Improvement Form
Sunset Ridge Website
Keystone Denver
2851 S Parker Road #840
Aurora, CO 80014
West Ranch
Ginny Volpi
C/O Ginny Volpi
1 West Ranch Trail
Morrison, CO 80465
Contractor Reference Online Database
The Contractor Reference Database has moved to a new page.
Provide a Contractor Reference
Ken-Caryl Ranch encourages you to submit a contractor reference and be included in our online database as a service to residents. You can fill out the online form here. Please note that your contact information will not be published in our online database. If you prefer to fill out a paper form, please complete and return a Contractor Reference Paper Form.