Master Association Board of Directors 2024 Candidates

2024 Master Association Board of Directors Candidate Katie Bolling

Katie Bolling

2024 Master Association Board of Directors Candidate Randall Flint

Randall Flint

Rilla Reinsma

Carrie Scott

Philip Varley


Full  candidate applications can be found below. 

Meet Your 2024 Master Association Board Candidates

Katie Bolling

Name: Katie Bolling
Resident Since: 2010
Phone: 312-498-6155
Occupation: Sales and Community Building
Community and/or civic organizations, clubs, and office held: Ken-Caryl Trail Club: Communications Manager (1 yr) and VP (1 yr), Bradford Running Club – Assisted in establishing club

Hobbies: Reading, being outside, traveling, hiking, skinning, watching soccer, riding bikes, sitting in the sunshine, non-profit involvement, writing, gathering with neighbors and managing my lifestyle brand, Advanced Recess

Why have you declared your candidacy for the Board of Directors?

I have decided to be a candidate for the MA Board because of my lifelong dedication and love for strong community building and my experience in the non-profit sector. In 2008, I was hired as the first official fundraiser for a humanitarian-focused non-profit that connects students to schools, healthcare workers to patients and entrepreneurs to markets. The organization was in its infant years and had established programming in Africa, but was primarily raising funds through the founder’s family. I was hired to create a grassroots network and for the next ten years dedicated my career – and heart – to the work. The organization grew from being funded by about 200 donors to close to 100,000 over that ten years and our budget grew tenfold. As part of this – and as the lead fundraiser in the organization – a major part of my job was communicating with the highest integrity and transparency to our community of donors. Throughout the ten years there, I am 100% confident that we ran the organization with the highest level transparency, the highest level of integrity and the highest commitment to our donors in which they could fully trust responsible management of their donations to create maximum impact in the mission. In the spirit of my love for the community of Ken-Caryl, I want to bring those skills that I contributed to my non-profit work to the MA Board. I run my campaign – and commitment to the community – on these promises: I will ensure transparency within the Board to our community members, I will represent all community members through listening and thoughtfulness and I will dedicate myself to creating strong relationships and bonds to strengthen our community and collective community spirit.

What skills or qualifications do you bring as assets to the KCRMA Board of Directors?

As I shared above, I bring knowledge from my career in the non-profit sector in addition to strong community-building skills that have been a major part of my entire career. Igniting enthusiasm, building connections, hosting events and creating impact through passion are all part of building strong communities and I want to use these skills to better our community.

Furthermore, I have two bachelor’s degrees, one in Accounting and one in Business Management, and have used these degrees throughout my career and spent five years as the controller for an international travel company that was hit hard following 9/11/01. The company made it through and I’m pleased to share that it’s thriving today.

Building on my experience in the non-profit space, I was recognized by my peers across the country as the best-case example of a leader building a strategic, impactful grassroots campaign for #GivingTuesday and spoke on this topic many times at the national level. Wanting to act in the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” I shared my knowledge and mentorship with many other non-profits… and some that were competitors in the same space. I firmly believe in the mentality that we are stronger together and will represent our community with this core belief.

In general, my work at the non-profit blended my skills in accounting, community building and fundraising that helped establish the charity as a globally recognized leader in fulfilling an important mission: building connectivity. And now I want to bring this skillset to our community because I truly believe that the more we are all connected – through relationships, knowledge, access, trust and transparency – the more we will thrive.

Board Members serve as liaisons on the various KCRMA committees: Architectural, Community Planning, Covenants, Election, Historical Society, and Open Space. On which committee(s) do you wish to serve as a liaison? Why?

Equestrian Center Committee

I am interested in serving on the new Equestrian Center committee given this unique asset in our community. It’s always been one of the first points I make about our community when families and friends visit. Given my love of nature and being outside, I also think it’s a vital resource of ours and one that I know adds incredible value to many neighbors in Ken-Caryl. In general, I want to become engaged in the work around this important part of our community.

What do you see as the major issues facing the KCR community over the next three years, and how would you deal with those issues as a Board member?

I see these topics as major issues:

  • Board governance and transparent communication to community members
  • Expense management and ensuring community members have clarity and transparency around their dues and where they go towards
  • Neighborhood appeal – ensuring Ken-Caryl continues to attract a vibrant and energetic community
  • Continued care and stewardship of our extremely unique access to nature through trails
  • Care and focus around the valuable asset of our Equestrian Center

I would deal with these issues through listening, learning and engaging in thoughtful conversation with community members about these topics and ensure that I represent our community with humility, integrity, enthusiasm and real passion for wanting our community to thrive. I would strive to meet new community members and aim to always be open to thoughts, ideas and feedback. Furthermore, for those who know me within the community, I would say they would possibly say a few things about me: that I truly love bringing people together – just the joy of seeing people together and connecting with one another makes me very happy. And, I would also say they know that I thrive in atmospheres that allow for more meaningful conversation and connection. I enjoy thoughtful interactions that allow me to connect, listen and truly feel engaged. I will approach the issues above with that same spirit and work towards outcomes that best represent our community.

What is your vision for the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch?

I come to this opportunity with a love of nature and outdoor connection. In one of my favorite books, the topic of Shinrin Yoku is discussed: the art of Japanese “forest bathing.” This concept is around the deeper we are in nature, the more health benefits there are and this is how I feel about our access to nature here in Ken-Caryl. I am not the most common trail user in our community but, when I do, I feel a sense of connectivity, calmness and happiness wash over me. And, yes, these feelings are present when I’m on our sidewalks and at our parks, but I feel they become all the more present the further I get from a trailhead. I want to continue to encourage our community to use our trails for these reasons and I feel so grateful to live in a community where access to nature is a real priority and benefit of life here.

This goes hand-in-hand with our ability to ensure Ken-Caryl continues to be a community that is full of vibrancy among our residents. Simply put, as I like to say among the messages that I share through Advanced Recess, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”

So, with all of this in mind, my vision for Ken-Caryl:

New, young homeowners continue to be attracted to life in Ken-Caryl. Young children playing at the parks. Events that bring our community together for social opportunities and connections, homeowners knowing and understanding what their monthly dues are and what they are supporting. Seeing neighbors and families saying hello to one another. Vibrant schools. Moments in nature that contribute to physical and mental wellness. A healthy community that is grateful for the unique lifestyle that attracted them to Ken-Caryl… and ensuring that cycle continues.

What is your philosophy toward Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities and spending money on those amenities?

My philosophy is that our spending should be in line with community surveys and the feedback from our homeowners. As we said at the non-profit I worked for: “All answers are in the field.” What this meant to me for all of those years is that we need to go talk to the end-users, the people being impacted from our work. The same is here in Ken-Caryl. As a board member, I believe my beliefs would, as a whole, aim to reflect those of the community. In times and situations of friction, I would aim to represent the majority while also listening with a learning spirit and curiosity to understand all voices.

Furthermore on this topic, another goal of mine in life is to always approach what I do with an open mind. This comes from a few years of dedication to meditation and how much more enjoyable life is when we don’t always know the answers and are open to experiences as if we are doing a new activity as a beginner. With embracing this mentality, I am open to listening and learning about every topic related to our spending on amenities here at Ken-Caryl while also keeping in mind my vision for Ken-Caryl… a vibrant, healthy and happy community.

Randall Flint

Name: Randall Flint
Resident Since: 2016
Phone: 720-381-3050
Occupation: Engineer for 22 years at Lockheed Martin in the Ken-Caryl Valley
Community and/or civic organizations, clubs, and office held: Ken-Caryl Trail Club volunteer (2017-present)

Hobbies: Being a dad to my six-year-old daughter and two-year-old son is my #1 hobby. When I get my own time, I enjoy skiing, climbing, golf, cooking, hiking, cycling, camping, keeping deer out of my vegetable garden and staying active.

Why have you declared your candidacy for the Board of Directors?

My candidacy is for the future of this community and building on the successes of previous KCRMA boards. There is great momentum in our neighborhood, evident in the 96% of residents who rated KCR “good” or better in the 2021 survey. What also stands out is that “community leadership was the least positive among the community indicators asked in the survey.” This is where I see opportunity. Let’s turn these insights into a catalyst for change and build a community that feels united and heard, by establishing a newfound level of communication and trust between residents and the MA.

With almost 20 of years of engineering leadership experience, I have a proven ability to bridge divides among diverse stakeholders and find common ground for progress. Recognizing the challenge residents face in keeping up with important MA matters, I’ll find additional (free) communication channels to disseminate information and gather resident input. It’s crucial that MA communications are both thorough and timely, providing residents with the transparency and effectiveness we deserve. Recently, far too many people were unaware of upcoming recycling changes (to save $1.50/month). There was little opportunity for resident input and minimal insight into the finances. It’s time to add transparency back into the decision-making process.

I am also eager to tackle pressing neighborhood issues that need attention, including wildfire mitigation, cost controls at the Equestrian Center, population growth, and finding the delicate balance between recreation and conservation within our open space. Having spoken with current and past board members, I am learning what is required to be an effective board member and I’m excited about the opportunity to serve my community and the residents. The need has never been greater for a more open, transparent and responsible board focused on all community matters.

What skills or qualifications do you bring as assets to the KCRMA Board of Directors?

I am committed to serving as an active, well-prepared, candid, and common-sense board member, dedicated to achieving results and advancing issues forward through data-driven decision making. I’ll ethically and transparently represent the 4,300+ households and businesses across Ken-Caryl.

With nearly 25 years of overall engineering experience, I have become a trusted leader responsible for all aspects of program/project execution and building relationships. In my professional capacity, I navigate complex customer requirements, develop strategies, lead teams in solution development and ensure that product deliveries align with cost, schedule and technical objectives. I’m responsible for risk and opportunity management, customer relationships and fully own all aspects of technical execution – ultimately, I am results driven.

Having managed budgets exceeding $10 million and led teams exceeding 100 employees, my expertise spans across technical and organizational leadership. I have authored numerous engineering process documents that define both technical and organizational processes and I’m intimately familiar with understanding policies and procedures that define how organizations operate.

Board Members serve as liaisons on the various KCRMA committees: Architectural, Community Planning, Covenants, Election, Historical Society, and Open Space. On which committee(s) do you wish to serve as a liaison? Why?

The Community Planning Committee is in line with my personality and strengths. I bring an extraordinary level of planning detail and skill to both my personal and professional life. Having a well thought-out and achievable plan is something I enjoy creating and tracking. There are short and long-term planning needs, including financial, resource management, and population growth, within the Master Association and Metropolitan District that require our best thought leaders to start working today. The 2021 Community Survey has been a point of contention and ambiguity that needs to be addressed. Future surveys must clearly address issues allowing resident’s opinions to be heard directly instead of open to interpretation.

The Firewise Committee is about protecting our homes, residents and open space. Having lived in Superior, CO, I watched my old neighborhood burn down live on TV in 2021 as the Marshall Fire swept through overgrown, fuel filled, open space land. The Waldo Canyon Fire destroyed beloved childhood memories where I grew up in Colorado Springs. Our own Ken-Caryl close call on Dec. 27, 2021 – when a large fire along C-470 evacuated us from our home – cannot be forgotten. So when I see the single issue, “conservation-“minded candidates, focused on micromanaging our use of open space, I can’t help but think that it misses the mark on what conservation should be about. Fire is our biggest risk and that risk isn’t going away. Throughout the summer months, you can find me volunteering in Ken-Caryl through fire mitigation work, noxious weed removal, trash pick-up, and other open space activities. You can find a picture of my daughter and I doing fire mitigation with the Ken-Caryl Rangers on page 4 of the Sept. 27, 2023 Life at Ken-Caryl newspaper! I’d be honored to help this committee.

What do you see as the major issues facing the KCR community over the next three years, and how would you deal with those issues as a Board member?

The major issues I’d prioritize:

Population Growth and New Development – Ken-Caryl is undergoing expansion with the two NADG developments. We need to ensure these are developed under the architectural and covenant regulations and get a head start on understanding what resources will become strained with the increase in residents and how to mitigate that.

Fiscal Responsibility – Transparently ensuring services and fiscal viability are not compromised while balancing limited finances/resources.

Listening to the Residents – We have brilliant and successful residents that need to be heard in shaping the future of Ken-Caryl. Residents deserve more awareness of issues and a frictionless way to give input. Board meetings (i.e. 1/10/2024) with only 48 hours’ notice cannot be the way forward. This is about overall transparency, not just fiscal transparency. We need to get two-way communication flowing and we’ll all be better for it.

Fire Mitigation – Continued support for the Firewise Committee’s recommendations is essential. Efforts should be intensified to educate residents on implementing fire mitigation measures.

Open Space Management – Acknowledged as our #1 amenity in the 2021 survey, let’s update the Revised Open Space Comprehensive Management Plan. Striking a balance between conservation and recreation is vital, considering residents’ diverse perspectives. The goal is to protect our significant natural, cultural and historic resources while still allowing low impact educational and recreational use.

Equestrian Center – Support the new Equestrian Center Committee to help provide management, operational direction and recommendations for the facility. Recently, 30+% fee increases hit boarders with no notice or input. Again, the theme is transparency, we can do better.

What is your vision for the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch?

I envision the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch continuing to be one of the most desirable neighborhoods within metro Denver. Achieving this requires a commitment to conservation and responsible resource utilization, coupled with proactive decision-making to address upcoming challenges. Ken-Caryl is a vibrant and active community, ideal for living, conducting business and raising a family. Let’s start electing MA Board members that will act as representatives for us. What we see right now is hidden agendas and a series of decisions being made with undisclosed reasoning and minimal community input. This has only served to keep residents in the dark as to what is happening and where our money is being spent. The chaos and clandestine activities must end.

Personally, I feel I am a reflection of many new residents in Ken-Caryl. My wife and I relocated from another Littleton neighborhood to Ken-Caryl nearly 10 years ago, and we’ve become wholly invested in the community – forging connections through friendships, neighbors, kids, Bradford Elementary, Ken-Caryl Lightning Swim Team and many other activities. With our long-term commitment to this community, my vision is for others to share the same connection and passion for Ken-Caryl. Preserving this sense of community is paramount for the future of Ken-Caryl and a vision we must all collectively protect and maintain.

I’m ready to represent all of us – no matter if you’re new to the neighborhood, been here since the 70’s, or something in between. The fabric of our community is everyone in it and it’s time to invest in growing new and diverse leaders for our community’s future.

What is your philosophy toward Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities and spending money on those amenities?

What sets our neighborhood apart is the fantastic range of amenities and it’s imperative we preserve and enhance them. Addressing budget considerations involves a dual focus: determining appropriate expenditures and then strategically allocating funds based on feedback from homeowners. I’ll advocate for a transparent budgeting approach and target investments that maintain the neighborhood as a desirable and engaging place for both current and future residents. It’s no secret that many families move to Ken-Caryl for the amenities.

The key is to plan and be intentional about spending on the amenities that matter most to the residents. While individual preferences may vary, everyone should have a voice in shaping what holds significance for them. I’m all about ensuring residents are in the loop about tough budget decisions and the choices being made. Those monthly dues? They should go towards things that truly matter, and we’re going to be transparent and proactive about where that money is spent. Responsibly investing in our community doesn’t just make financial sense – it boosts our overall well-being and makes our neighborhood an even better place.

Rilla Reinsma

Name: Rilla Reinsma
Resident Since: 1992
Phone: Candidate chose not to publish
Occupation: Retired
Community and/or civic organizations, clubs, and office held:

Community Planning Committee
Open Space Committee
Love INC/Impact Kids

Hobbies: Reading, genealogy, walking/hiking, gardening

Why have you declared your candidacy for the Board of Directors?

As a KCR resident for 32 years, I have observed our community changing. We have grown in the number of residents, but at the same time, we have lost some of the diversity and quantity of wildlife, which calls Ken-Caryl home.

In the last 8 years, I have attended most of our community meetings. I have served on the Community Planning Committee (CPC) since 2017. During this time, I have become aware that there are many residents who are very concerned about the preservation of our open space, which includes the wildlife, flora and fauna. We celebrate the history of our areas with artifacts, which have been found (and we can wonder what life was life here thousands of years ago).

A balance is needed in the KCR community between recreational activities that we all enjoy and the needs wildlife require to thrive. A different balance is also needed by having more female voices on our Board. It has been male dominant for the majority of the 32 years I have lived here.

If elected, I will continue to speak for all the residents, as I have been doing in all the meetings I have attended. Implement the results of the last 3 community surveys, which support creating a conservations area in our open space, with night-time and seasonal closures to allow for the health and well-being of the wildlife during breeding and other critical times. More shade structures are being added to pools and various playgrounds, which was also supported. Fiscal responsibility by making sure our dollars are put to their best use. Working to make KCR a better community than it already is. Let’s preserve KCR open space s it is today and continue to improve the rest of KCR aesthetics.

I would be honored to represent you.

What skills or qualifications do you bring as assets to the KCRMA Board of Directors?

I spent nine years in the field of secretarial science, prior to staying home and raising two sons. When the boys began playing competitive soccer, I assisted in managing their teams and being the treasurer paying fees. I also recorded the stats for their high school soccer teams for 4 years. Later on, for 13 years, I began volunteering with YES Entertainment, a non-profit organization, working in and managing concessions stand in the Denver metro areas. These venues included Dick’s Sporting Goods Park,  Fiddler’s Green Amphitheater, Pepsi Center, Coors Field, Denver Coliseum and Red Rocks Amphitheater. Managing these concessions stands meant I was responsible for 3-12 people (depending on venue), product inventory, opening and closing paperwork, food health safety documentation and monies collected at the end of the night that was turned in to the venue cash office. I took pride in being very accurate in my numbers with each venue – paperwork and monies. After our sons left for college, I worked retail for seven years, as a customer service employee and working out on the floor. I also had to think of creative ways to solve a customer’s problem, whatever the issue was. I have been “retired” from outside the home jobs for a few years and am enjoying being able to give my time by volunteering in other areas. Besides attending KCR meetings, I previously volunteered by tutoring in reading and math 1 day a week during the school year with WhizKids; and still do childcare for a couple hours 1 evening a week with Love INC, while parents are attending classes.

Within KC, and as research for my attendance at board meetings, I maintain over 20,000 pages of KCR documents dating back to its inception.

Board Members serve as liaisons on the various KCRMA committees: Architectural, Community Planning, Covenants, Election, Historical Society, and Open Space. On which committee(s) do you wish to serve as a liaison? Why?

I have served on the Community Planning Committee (CPC) since 2017 and would like to continue my relationship there as a liaison. I have also just been appointed to the Open Space Committee, but this committee already has a good MA liaison. The CPC has a broad remit and is consequently one of the most important committees within KCR, as it represents the “pulse” of the community and its desires. The information provided by the last two community surveys show what the community feels is most important (or not) to KCR and informs our Board(s) as what budget priorities should be for the future. Surveys also bring to the forefront the desire for boards to be fiscally responsible with our dues. Some historical survey questions have been ambiguous, and as a result, the open-ended comments written take on much greater significance. If the Board(s) are not listening to the residents, then why were surveys sent out?  We need to fulfill resident wishes as best we can, knowing that all will not or may not be able to come to fruition. If wishes or desires can’t be fulfilled, then the Board needs to inform the community as to why, and that hasn’t always been conveyed the best. Information is the best avenue available to the community and it must be shared. The KCR residents will know that they are being listened to.

What do you see as the major issues facing the KCR community over the next three years, and how would you deal with those issues as a Board member?
*  Preservation of open spaces are needed for our wildlife and their survivability. They require a respite from human contact for hunting in the nighttime or just resting and conserving energy for the next day for food foraging. This is any easy issue to resolve, we just need to have respect for everything around us and not treat wildlife like a nuisance.

*  Be fiscally responsible with monies (dues) received. Monies spent on “X” – is  this the best use?  Can these same monies be put to better use elsewhere?

*  Being Firewise. This will always be important, as fires are a part of nature, just like other weather conditions. The majority of fires that have occurred here in CO and our nearby communities have been human-caused. Disturbing the open space landscaping impacts the requirements wildlife needs for survival. If trees and shrubs are eliminated, there is a loss of habit (perches for hunting, nest building) and food sources from trees/bushes, which cuts down on the survivability wildlife species need that live here in KCR. We need to be Firewise, yes, but within reason.

*  Vandalism, crime and trespassing. While we live in an area that is not a high crime area, there are “bad” people everywhere. We all need to do our part to deter vandalism and crime. KCR founding documents state open spaces are for residents only. Emphasizing that KCR open spaces between neighborhoods and on the foothills are private, must be widely communicated.

What is your vision for the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch?

A number of years ago, KCR had a saying — “Ken-Caryl Ranch – True Colorado Living.” I think we have gotten away from this statement over the past few years, but we can get back to living it again. Like all communities, there are challenges to overcome. Resident priorities from the surveys are being implemented. Fencing replacement is now a budget item that started 2 years ago. Now the Equestrian Center is being improved, which has historical value too. Biological studies have shown that KCR is an area with a lot of historical significance with geological rarities in it. These need to be preserved now, for future generations, and for the state of Colorado as well. KCR Committees should be made up of a variety of residents. KCR has a wealth of expertise that can, and should be, drawn from for the benefit of the whole community. Improving on what we already have, by drawing from KCR experts, will keep us unique compared to other developments on the side of Denver metro. Let’s be able to say again that Ken-Caryl Ranch is True Colorado Living.

What is your philosophy toward Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities and spending money on those amenities?

KCR has some great amenities. We need to preserve our open space as it is, as of today, for the future. We need to continue to work on improving remaining amenities and the aesthetics of the entire community. Residents need to know that their voices are being heard on all topics, as to how or what is being replaced, changed, or may have to be eliminated and why. It’s our hard-earned money that is paying for all this. There will most likely be some that are not happy with changes, but remember the Board’s job is to try and do what’s best for the entire community as a whole. We need to live within our means, with what we have and show the community their monies are being spent wisely. What benefits the whole community?  Does it raise everyone’s home value?  Does it improve the aesthetics of the entire community?  KCR is a unique area and it’s hard to compare with other communities, because it’s not an “apples to apples” comparison. The Board needs to do its best using everything wisely, being fiscally accountable with monies, and respectful to all residents giving them their best decisions.

I will do my very best to be a responsible MA Board member with your vote.

Carrie Scott

Name: Carrie Scott
Resident Since: 2013
Phone: 720-480-8088
Occupation: Healthcare Executive
Community and/or civic organizations, clubs, and office held: Colorado Managed Care Consortium (CMCC), Board Member 2015-2017; Colorado Software and Internet Association (CSIA), Committee Board Member 2005-2007; various volunteer roles: Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Girl Scouts of Colorado Troop Cookie Campaign, South Jeffco Baseball Team Parent; various volunteer opportunities for dance, school and local charities.

Hobbies: Reading, scuba diving, spending time with family, friends, and my dogs, travel

Why have you declared your candidacy for the Board of Directors?

I am increasingly uncomfortable with the growing divide in our community and feel that the Board of Directors could use an infusion of leadership, collaboration, transparency and common sense from a leader with experience in strategic planning and assessing competing priorities.

What skills or qualifications do you bring as assets to the KCRMA Board of Directors?

I am a Lean Blackbelt with proven results in creating high-functioning teams, process improvement and data-driven decision-making. I am a results driven individual who believes in communication, collaboration, and aligning the various priorities, often competing priorities, of various stakeholders. I use a data-driven, common sense approach to my decision-making, often meeting with subject matter experts to understand the pros, cons, risks and standards before committing to that decision. My ego does not prevent me from asking questions, doing a deeper dive into issues, and collaborating with those divided by an issue.

Board Members serve as liaisons on the various KCRMA committees: Architectural, Community Planning, Covenants, Election, Historical Society, and Open Space. On which committee(s) do you wish to serve as a liaison? Why?

I do not come to the decision to run for the Board with a predisposition or agenda for one committee over another. I would not consider myself a subject matter expert and as such, would serve on the committee that has the greatest need for support, objectivity or in need of a liaison.

What do you see as the major issues facing the KCR community over the next three years, and how would you deal with those issues as a Board member?

The most pressing issue for our community is the divide between the incoming residents and the established residents. There are now potentially 4 generations of residents in our community with incredibly different priorities and day to day expectations. It is time for compromise, prioritization of needs, and a recognition of all residents within the community through various mechanisms of feedback to the Board, including meeting participation, town halls, virtual events and surveys that ask the right questions. Additionally, the growth within the KCR community continues, which will tax the current infrastructure from trash to trails to roads to recreation areas and wildlife safety/preservation. We need to come together to strategically plan for this growth and recognize we are doing so behind the curve. Safety is also a concern as I continue to see neighborhood posts about car break-ins, thefts and crime in, or very close to, our beloved community. We need to proactively create solutions to the incidents occurring in and around our proximity.

What is your vision for the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch?

A beautiful and safe community that is respectful of one another, the wildlife and the beauty that is Ken-Caryl. I am in awe when I drive through the community and we need to create and maintain a way to establish a mutual respect for our neighborhoods by the residents and those visiting the area.

What is your philosophy toward Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities and spending money on those amenities?

I would define the amenities to include the pools, the clubhouses, the courts, the playgrounds, the open spaces, the horse stables, the historical artifacts and the trails. I do not use and have not used all of these amenities but they are an important component of our community and it is a privilege to have use or access to any one of them so close to my home. They are important and require financing for maintenance, preservation, improvement and growth.

Philip Varley

Name: Philip Varley
Resident Since: 1993
Phone: 303-946-1941
Occupation: CFO and Board Director
Community and/or civic organizations, clubs, and office held:

Ken-Caryl Water District: 2004 – 2012, 2020 – present

Hiking, skiing, flying, travel

Why have you declared your candidacy for the Board of Directors?

I was elected in 2021 to represent ALL of the residents of Ken-Caryl, and I want to continue the progress we have made, to accomplish the following:

  1. Assure budget and fiscal integrity.
  2. Preserve, protect and enhance our priceless, signature landscape and our unique flora and fauna from fragmentation and visual degradation.
  3. Promote a safe, enjoyable and world class experience for all users of all amenities, including pools, tennis courts, buildings, parks, trails and open space.
  4. Ensure proper maintenance of existing facilities, particularly fences in The Plains, so that the visitor’s first impression of Ken-Caryl is one of delight.
  5. Enhance our home values and quality of life.

We have made significant progress towards those goals in the following ways:

  1. Questioned every project for costs and obtained competitive quotes. Consequently, the pond dredging proposal was reduced by $150k, and the Ranch House parking lot resurfacing expanded from a simple overlay, which would have not addressed the drainage, cracking or disintegration, to a well-engineered total replacement with professional engineering oversight. To increase revenues to the Association, we began investing Reserve Funds in interest bearing CDs.
  2. Preserving the environment. We prevented the concreting of the Plum Thicket dirt trail. “Paving paradise” would destroy Ken-Caryl’s unique character.
  3. Promoting the betterment of ALL recreation facilities. The Equestrian Center has seen significant restoration work, to the extent that there is now a waiting list for boarding.
  4. The Fence Task Force was created and recommended a ten-year plan to replace all perimeter fencing – Continental Divide Road’s has been replaced. Chatfield Avenue has been contracted for 2024. These significant aesthetic improvements create a positive first impression of a well-cared for community.
  5. Together, the above achievements contribute to everyone’s home values appreciating and a better quality of life.

What skills or qualifications do you bring as assets to the KCRMA Board of Directors?

I bring historical knowledge through having lived here for 30 years. I remember what the “original KCR” was like – welcoming, family oriented, vibrant, green, rural, tidy, proud. I moved here because the “open space” behind my first house in the metro area had been rezoned for residential development, without any consideration of the negative effects on existing residents. So before moving here, I read our Declarations which promised an “oasis of natural beauty close to the city”, where the open space would never be developed. In my 30 years here, I have gained historical knowledge of the subtle changes made, and the issues those changes have created, as represented by over 2,000 written comments in the resident survey. I have seen the results, both good and bad, and always consider the harder to discern longer term impacts as being far more important than any short term benefits. At a recent KCRMA Board meeting, a new resident who had moved from Denver stated his opinion that “urbanization was coming to KC and there was nothing we could do to stop it.” I do not accept that conclusion. Our Board has the ultimate power to prevent ANY changes to our way of life. Those who we elect will determine what we become, but my promise to you is this: for as long as I am a Board member, I will stand up to preserve Ken-Caryl’s natural character the way it is today, so that our children can be proud to say they are part of this unique community.

My professional qualifications include being a Director of the Ken-Caryl Water District, and Member of Council (the governing body) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in London. I am a Chemical Engineer by degree, as well as holding an Active CPA license.

Board Members serve as liaisons on the various KCRMA committees: Architectural, Community Planning, Covenants, Election, Historical Society, and Open Space. On which committee(s) do you wish to serve as a liaison? Why?

As current Board member, I serve as liaison to the Metro District Board and the Water Board. I am happy to continue in those roles, if the new board so chooses. I was also liaison to the specially created Fence Task Force whose recommendations for a ten-year replacement plan of all perimeter fencing was approved by this Board, and for which approximately $200,000 per year has been budgeted. The results of this work are so far visible on Continental Divide Road and, provided I am retained as a board member, will see Chatfield Avenue begun his year.

With regard to interest in other committees, there are two which are particularly close to my heart.

Open Space: To maintain Ken-Caryl as a pristine oasis surrounded by a concrete jungle, we are fortunate to independently manage over 5,000 acres of open space. As we already maintain 45 miles of private trails within this area, at a trail density of 10 times that of Jefferson County’s open space, we should leave the remaining land in its natural condition. As the urban area inexorably expands, we will see greater demand for our unique offering, providing financial benefit to all residents thorough greater property values. The Open Space Committee is responsible for ensuring that there is a balance between conservation and other uses.

Community Planning: Another resident survey is likely to be commissioned in 2025. It is imperative that the questions are formulated in a way which can only have one clear answer. In the past, badly worded questions such as “are you satisfied with the trails,” or “should the MA maintain or improve trails” have led to disputes as to what is meant by a majority agreeing. I would like to ensure that the questions proposed in the next survey are much more specifically written.

What do you see as the major issues facing the KCR community over the next three years, and how would you deal with those issues as a Board member?

Maintaining the appearance of our community and ensuring that dues are prioritized on improving the public face of the community. This means, fences, buildings, signage, roadways (medians and verges in particular). We must continue to enhance the physical structures that we own – Equestrian Center, tennis courts, swimming pools, fences.

We must aggressively protect against any attempts to degrade our greenscapes. Our trees and turfgrass along our roads, especially Valley Parkway, Ken Caryl Ave., and Continental Divide must be protected against those who would take down mature trees, remove rose bushes and ornamental shrubs, and replace cooling greenery with heat reflecting stonescapes, or worse, replace the strips of grass between the sidewalk and the paved road with concrete slabs.

The few acres of community greenbelt at such road junctions as Amaranth and Valley Parkway, or Ken Caryl Ave and Continental Divide Road, must not be allowed to die off in 2024, as they were in 2016 before community pushback caused the irrigation system to be turned back on. I will stand against these 2024 “xeriscape” proposals, and ensure that our green and pleasant community is not turned into a “Scottsdale look-alike.”

Working within a fiscally conservative budget, it makes no sense for plans to be made to “change what already works” or “build new while we let existing structures rot.” We MUST ensure that every facility we currently own has had ALL deferred maintenance remediated before even considering building new, or tearing out what we have, simply on a whim. We have started to address the rot (pun intended) with the fences, it would now benefit the community if we could agree to spend landscape monies on adding trees and shrubs rather than paying to remove those large specimens that have taken 30 or 40 years to grow.

What is your vision for the future of Ken-Caryl Ranch?

Now, even more so than in 2021, for Ken-Caryl Ranch to be the most sought after covenant controlled community in the southwest Denver metro area, rivalling Back Country at Highlands Ranch and Castle Pines Village. A community which prides itself on being visually attractive through attention to detail, and preservation of its amenities.

The metro area has expanded at a speed unprecedented in my 30 years of living here. Sterling Ranch, with 12,000 houses, a few thousand at Morrison Rd and C-470 on the southwest side of Green Mountain, apartment complexes at Quincy and C-470, and our own new construction just east of C-470, make it imperative that we preserve and protect from encroachment demands the natural areas that we own.

The founders of KCR, Johns Manville, stated in the Declarations that “KCR is an area of unique natural beauty, featuring distinctive terrain. It is the desire of Grantor to create a community in which such beauty shall be substantially preserved.” Across the USA, and across metro Denver, it is difficult to tell where you are. Everywhere has its Safeway, Target, First Bank. Can you distinguish between Thornton and Superior? Probably not, but you know when you are in Ken-Caryl, and I would like us to be able to keep it that way so that our children can state with pride that they grew up here, and will look forward to coming back here.

What is your philosophy toward Ken-Caryl Ranch amenities and spending money on those amenities?

I believe that the votes I have cast at MA Board meetings in the last three years provide an adequate insight into my view on spending the residents’ money on services and facilities. Before 2021, many of our facilities had been allowed to degrade. When I was elected that year, my platform was “fix what we have before building anything additional.” You will see that in the last three years, we have built on that platform. A selection of my votes, demonstrating that commitment, is as follows:

  1. Postponing the dredging of Brannon Gearhart Pond because of initial excessive costs. Saving over $150,000 as a result.
  2. Cancelling the conversion of dirt trails to concrete which would have cost about half a million dollars per mile.
  3. Performing a proper and complete rebuilding of the Ranch House parking lot, which should last 30 years, for less than double the cost of a simple overlay which might only have lasted two years.
  4. Fixing many of the eyesores at the Equestrian Center, including drainage issues, the barns, arenas, manager’s office, and employees’ house. This is a facility which within three years has become one which I am proud to show off to visitors, and the efforts have been recognized by the equine community to the extent that there is now a waiting list for boarders.
  5. Promoting the long term management plan for replacing perimeter fences, which is now in its second year of a ten-year project.
  6. Increasing security patrols during the evenings and installing more cameras.
  7. Generating “free money” for residents by preparing detailed weekly cash flow forecasts so that we can invest as much cash as possible in interest bearing CDs.

I will continue to follow this philosophy, to gain the most value for all residents.