Oral Histories created by the KCR Historical Society
The Ken-Caryl Ranch Historical Society has compiled a series of Oral Histories from early phases of the Ranch. Interviews with developers, descendants of prior Ranch owners, and others with interesting stories about earlier days on the Ranch are available on the Jefferson County Public Library website by clicking on the buttons below.
Interview with Delores Ebner, November 9, 2011
Dolores Ebner, Jefferson County Hall of Fame and KCR Historical Society Hall of Fame member along with her husband Don who is also a member of the Jefferson County Hall of Fame and KCR Historical Society Hall of Fame, researched and published information about early ranch owners, the Bradfords, Perleys, and Shaffers. She shares their research process and efforts to preserve the ruins of the Bradford Perley House. (35 minutes)
Interview with Bob Abbott, November 16, 2011
KCR resident Bob Abbott shares stories told to him by his uncle, Jerry Hazel, a hired hand on the ranch from 1946 to 1949 including the fact that he did the original bulldozing of what is now known as the South Valley Road. (27 minutes)
Interview with Chris Pacetti, July 20, 2012
Chris Pacetti, the original Executive Director of KCR, shares stories about the history and development of KCR. He answers questions about his role in establishing standards required for Homeowners Association leaders. (2 streaming sound files, 48 minutes and 36 minutes)
Interview with Interview with Darrell Windes, July 25, 2012
Darrell Windes, the original KCR Metropolitan District Manager discusses various administration aspects of KCR, including taxation, dues, and district lines. He also explains the different roles of the KCR Metropolitan District and the KCR Master Association. (2 streaming sound files, 48 minutes and 26 minutes)
Interview with Jane McDannald Russell, Kim McKinney, and Martha K. Rains, August 2, 2012
Three descendants of A. T. “Cap” McDannald, the last owner of KCR while it was still a cattle ranch, share memories of their visits to the ranch. Jane McDannald Russell, granddaughter, Kim McKinney, great granddaughter, and Martha Rains, niece, share stories that were recorded over several hours while they were touring the Ranch House, Bradford Perley House, Manor House, and Equestrian Center. Some audio is difficult to hear. (6 streaming sound files, each 48 minutes)
Interview with Judy Perley Janicak, Linda Shea, and Karen Jeanne Van Gundy, August 13, 2012
Three descendants of James Adams Perley, who bought what is now known as the Bradford Perley House in 1895 discuss their relationship to Ken-Caryl Ranch, while examining old photographs and documents related to their family. (2 streaming sound files, 48 minutes and 33 minutes)
Interview with Darla L. Shaffer, Donna Ackles, and Dana Boatright, October 26, 2012
Three granddaughters of John C. Shaffer who bought KCR in 1914, and built the Manor House, discuss Shaffer’s patronage of the arts, property ownership, religious beliefs, and that Ken-Caryl Ranch was named after Shaffer’s two sons, Kent and Carroll. The granddaughters share some stories of their youth, which include some involving the supernatural. (2 streaming sound files, 48 minutes and 10 minutes)
Interview with Martin and Dorothy Burdick, July 15, 2013
Martin and Dorothy Burdick, early members of the KCR Historical Society, discuss their time on KCR, their interest in local history and their involvement in preserving the ruins of the Bradford Perley House. Martin was elected to the KCR Historical Society Hall of Fame. (1 streaming sound file, 50 minutes)
Interview with Dean Peterson, October 9, 2013
Dean Peterson, former owner of the Manor House on KCR, tells stories about his experience there in the 1990’s, renovating it for a restaurant, and stories about his interactions with other members of the community. (1 streaming sound file, 40 minutes)
Interview with Dennis Carruth, October 30, 2013
An interview with Dennis Carruth, president of Carruth Properties, and an important part of the development of Ken-Caryl Ranch and business park since 1973. Carruth describes what brought him to Colorado after living in Wyoming and other locations. He continues with an in-depth discussion of the development of Ken-Caryl Ranch into the 21st century. 3 streaming sound files (1 hr 12 min, 28 sec, and 1 min 35 sec)
Interview with John Holmes, July 31, 2014
This telephone interview with John Holmes of Texas, grandson of A. T. “Cap” McDannald, covers his early memories of KCR and his grandfather. Topics include the Bradford Perley House, Manor House, ranching, and McDannald’s work as a Texas oilman. (2 steaming sound files, 1 hour 11 minutes, and 29 minutes).
Interview with Sean Warren, January 16, 2015
Sean Warren, original Open Space Manager of KCR explains the Open Space, and the challenges of managing it. He shares some family history in Kansas and Colorado and what brought him to Colorado. (2 streaming sound files, 1 hour, 11 minutes, and 7 minutes)
Interview with Mark Kopatz, February 9, 2015
Mark Kopatz, architectural landscaper, discusses his experiences as one of the original landscape developers of KCR, planning all the open space areas, and naming some of the streets in the Valley. (1 streaming sound, 38 minutes)